• PSR Polymers | The Best Goat farming plastic floor mat

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Goat farming plastic floor mat

Goat farming plastic floor mat manufacturer in Chennai, TamilnaduPSR Polymers offer quality based and wide range services to our customers as per their needs at leading and best market prices. Ensuring a positive customer experience, making available plastic floor mat price and/or services that are of top-notch quality is given prime importance.  If you have any requirement, you can contact us 94452 57164.

Total farming plastic floor mat

  • Chicken farming plastic floor mat
  • Sheep farming plastic floor mat
  • Cattle farming plastic floor mat
  • Veterinary ultrasound machine


Chicken farming

Broiler Farming: Commercial broiler poultry farming is a very popular and profitable business.

How much do you need to start a chicken farm?

On average, it could cost you between Rs. 20,000 to 50,000 to start your own chicken farm, depending on how big or small you’re starting. It costs between Rs. 38 to Rs. 40 to grow a day-old chick to a point of sale and one box of 100 day-old chicks’ costs between Rs. 850 to Rs. 950.


Sheep farming plastic floor mat

Sheep farming is also known as Sheep husbandry and it is the raising and breeding of domestic Sheep. It is a branch of animal husbandry. Sheep are raised for their meat (lamb and mutton), milk (Sheep’s milk), and also fiber (wool).

Cattle farming plastic floor mat

Cattle farming involves the rearing and management of two types of animals- one group for food requirements like milk and another for labour purposes like ploughing, irrigation, etc. Animals which provide milk are called milch/dairy animals. For example, goats, buffalo, cows, etc.

Veterinary ultrasound machine

Veterinarians often use ultrasound to guide a small needle to diseased areas of tissue for biopsy. Abdominal ultrasound imaging is performed to evaluate the: kidneys. liver.


Five ways to reduce farm distress

  1. Increasing incomes. Agricultural transformation is very slow
  2. Generating employment opportunities
  3. Reducing risks in agriculture
  4. Developing agro-infrastructure
  5. Improving quality of rural life

What is a slatted floor?

A floor made with slats of wood so that water can drain away.

Goat Farm Plastic Slatted Flooring Price in Kerala

Advantages of plastic slatted flooring:

  • Long life, more than 5 years.
  • Floors and Partitions Can be installed easily by inter-locking method.
  • Low maintenance, easily washable.
  • Better hygiene, avoids fungal skin problems for Goats in Rainy season unlike wooden floors.

Disadvantages of slatted floors

Fully slatted floors lead to a higher risk of lameness than partly solid floors and the prevalence of bursitis was higher.

About Tamilnadu

Tamil Nadu, a South Indian state, is famed for its Dravidian-style Hindu temples. In Madurai, Meenakshi Amman Temple has high ‘gopuram’ towers ornamented with colourful figures. On Pamban Island, Ramanathaswamy Temple is a pilgrimage site. The town of Kanyakumari, at India’s southernmost tip, is the site of ritual sunrises. Capital Chennai is known for beaches and landmarks including 1644 colonial Fort St. George.


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The space required per 100 Goats is 1000 square feet while the space required per 100 sheep is 1200 square feet.

Plastic  flooring mats are an excellent goat barn floor option. Often used as matting for barn aisles, they are easy to install without the use of adhesive, and they are durable while also economical.

Whatever you use as the bedding, as long as the goats are not continually exposed to bare concrete flooring, they will be fine. So you may be asking yourself why I would recommend using concrete at all. Simply put – for ease of keeping it clean and durability.

1 For slatted floor, the slats should be 70 mm – 100 mm wide, 25 mm – 30 mm thick and should be laid with slot space of 10 mm – 25 mm. For goats, staircase type and elevated type of slatted flooring should be constructed.

Requires less labour to clean and maintain the goat house. -Remains relatively dry and clean, reduced space requirements – Manure can be collected easily for fertilizer use or for sale. Allows air to pass through the slats increasing ventilation and comfort  in hot weather.

Each goat needs about 1 square meter. The best method is to provide clean, dry and elevated boards where all goats have a place to lie down comfortably (see picture). This is even more essential if the floor of the house is not elevated. Besides the resting area, goats need an area where they can walk around.

In goat farming, the profit margin is 50%. If you cultivate your goat feed on the farm, you may raise your profit margin by up to 80%.

Goats are an excellent source of income.With extra milk, cheese, meat and livestock, families can earn an income at market. They can pay for things like home repairs, farming tools and school fees.

Goat Farm Plastic Flooring Sheet size Two type of material

1×2 =2 square feet

2×2=4 square feet

Floor Space for one adult goat is generally recommended in goat shed is 1-1.5 m² inside shed. However for 0-3, 3-6, 6-9 and 9-12 months old kids, the floor space of 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1.0 m²per kid, respectively is recommended. The lactating females and adult males require 1.5-2.0 and 2.0 m² floor space.

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PSR polymers provide a plastic floor mats are often used in outdoor settings because they are durable and resistant to water and weather. Floor shed plastic floor mats are also durable and easy to clean, making them a good choice for commercial settings. Thanks for the good service to PSR polymers.

Goat farm plastic mats are good quality and more comfortable, making us a good choice for farm poultry sheds. Multi colour sheds also nice to see in the farm and the duration of work also very less in time.

PSR polymers goat farm plastic mats are very useful for farming goat or hen. If one needs a mat for beginner level exercises, it is always a good idea to go for plastic floor mats that come with anti-slip organic rubber bottom. Those mats are sustainable and they also last long.

I was so pleased with the service I received from this business. They went above and beyond to help me find the perfect item and I was very impressed with the quality of the product I received.

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